1. 新保史生,
70(5), 2020/4, (A04計画班)
2. 井上昂治, 河原達也,
76(4), 236-243, 2020/4, (A01計画班)
3. 開一夫,
109, 28-31, 2020/4, (A01-c公募班)
4. Keshmiri1, S., Alimardani, M., Shiomi, M., Sumioka, H., Ishiguro, H., Hiraki, K.,
"Higher Hypnotic Suggestibility Is Associated with the Lower EEG Signal Variability in Theta, Alpha, and Beta Frequency Bands.,"
Plos One,
15(4), e0230853, 2020/4, (A01-c公募班)
5. 冨永善視, 田中秀樹, 成本迅, 石黒浩, 小川浩平,
11, -, 2020/4, (A03計画班)
6. 小原宗 一郎, 髙橋 ともみ, 田中 一晶, 小川 浩平, 吉川 雄一郎, 石黒 浩, 岡 夏樹,
61, 817-828, 2020/4, (A03計画班)
7. M.A.R. Ahad, T.T. Ngo, A.D. Antar, M. Ahmed, T. Hossain, D. Muramatsu, Y. Makihara, S. Inoue, Y. Yagi,
"Wearable Sensor-based Gait Analysis for Age and Gender Estimation,"
Sensors, MDPI,
20(2424), 44220, 2020/4, (A02計画班)
8. Ohki, T., Matsuda, T., Gunji, A., Takei, Y., Sakuma, R., Kaneko, Y., Inagaki, M., Hanakawa, T., Ueda, K., Fukuda, M., Hiraki, K.,
"Timing of phase-amplitude coupling is essential for neuronal and functional maturation of audiovisual integration in adolescents.,"
Brain and Behavior.,
10(6), e01635, 2020/4, (A01-c公募班)
9. Xiang Li, Yasushi Makihara, Chi Xu, Yasushi Yagi, Mingwu Ren,
"Gait recognition invariant to carried objects using alpha blending generative adversarial networks,"
Pattern Recognition,
105(107376), 44208, 2020/4, (A02計画班)
10. Takashi Kodama, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Koh Mitsuda, Ryo Masumura, Yushi Aono, Ryuta Nakamura, Noritake Adachi, Hidetoshi Kawabata,
"Generating Responses that Reflect Meta Information in User-Generated Question Answer Pairs,"
The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference,
-, 5433-5441, 2020/5, (A02計画班)
11. 東中竜一郎, 船越孝太郎, 稲葉通将, 角森唯子, 高橋哲朗, 赤間怜奈, 宇佐美まゆみ, 川端良子, 水上雅博,
35(3), 333-343, 2020/5, (A02計画班)
12. 新保史生,
70(5), 224-230, 2020/5, (A04計画班)
13. 開一夫,
110, 28-31, 2020/5, (A01-c公募班)
14. Ryo Ishii, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Koh Mitsuda, Taichi Katayama, Masahiro Mizukami, Junji Tomita, Hidetoshi Kawabata, Emi Yamaguchi, Noritake Adachi, Yushi Aono,
"Methods of Efficiently Constructing Text-Dialogue-Agent System Using Existing Anime Character,"
International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII),
-, 328-347, 2020/5, (A02計画班)
15. Sara Asai, Koichiro Yoshino, Seitaro Shinagawa, Sakriani Sakti and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Emotional Speech Corpus for Persuasive Dialogue System,"
Proceedings of 12th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC),
-, 491-497, 2020/5, (A01-e公募班)
16. Mohamed, S. Picciariello, A., Connelly, B., Belgrave, D.C.M., Ezer, D., Cachat van der Haert, F., Mugisha, F., Abila, G., Arai, H., Almiraat, H., Proskurnia, J., Snyder, K., Otake-Matsuura, M., Othman, M., Glasmachers, T., de Wever,, W., Teh, Y.W., Khan, M. E., Winne, R.D., Schaul, T., Clopath, C.,
"AI for social good: unlocking the opportunity for positive impact,"
Nature Communications,
11, 2468, 2020/5, (A01-g公募班)
17. Yuki Okafuji, Jun Baba, Junya Nakanishi, Itaru Kuramoto, Kohei Ogawa, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Can a humanoid robot continue to draw attention in an office environment?,"
Advanced Robotics,
34(14), 931-946, 2020/6, (A01計画班)
18. 開一夫,
111, 28-31, 2020/6, (A01-c公募班)
19. 浅井 沙良, 品川 政太朗, 吉野 幸一郎, サクティ サクリアニ, 中村 哲,
人工知能学会 第34回全国大会(2020) 予稿集,
-, 4Rin1-71_1-4, 2020/6, (A01-e公募班)
20. Sho Maeoki, Kohei Uehara, Tatsuya Harada,
"Interactive Video Retrieval with Dialog,"
Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshops,
-, 4091-4099, 2020/6, (A02-j公募班)
21. Takahisa Uchida, Hideyuki Takahashi, Midori Ban, Jiro Shimaya, Takashi Minato, Kohei Ogawa, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Women Don't Hesitate to Self-disclose to Robots: Gender Differences for Attitude toward Robots,"
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction,
4(3), 35, 2020/6, (A02計画班)
22. Takahisa Uchida, Hideyuki Takahashi, Midori Ban, Jiro Shimaya, Takashi Minato, Kohei Ogawa, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, and Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Japanese Young Women Did not Discriminate between Robots and Humans as Listeners for Their Self-Disclosure -Pilot Study-,"
Multimodal Technologies and Interaction,
4, 35, 2020/6, (A03計画班)
23. Tsunehiro Arimoto, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Kou Tanaka, Takahito Kawanishi, Hiroaki Sugiyama, Hiroshi Sawada and Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Collection and Analysis of Dialogues Provided by Two Speakers Acting as One,"
In Proceedings of the 21th Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue,
-, 323-328, 2020/7, (A03計画班)
24. 開一夫,
112, 28-31, 2020/7, (A01-c公募班)
25. Tokunaga S., Tamura K., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Performance Evaluation of Text-Oriented Artificial Chat Operation System (TACOS),"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
12199, 93-104, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
26. Miyake N., Kumagai K., Tokunaga S., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Towards Practical Use of Bedside Sensing/Voice-Calling System for Preventing Falls,"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
12198, 569-580, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
27. Otake-Matsuura M. et al.,
"Services for Cognitive Health Co-created with Older Adults,"
Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
12207, 59-72, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
28. W. An, S. Yu, Y. Makihara, X. Wu, C. Xu, Y. Yu, R. Liao, Y. Yagi,
"Performance Evaluation of Model-based Gait on Multi-view Very Large Population Database with Pose Sequences,"
IEEE Trans. on Biometrics, Behavior, and Identity Science,
2(4), 421-430, 2020/7, (A02計画班)
29. Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Koculak M, Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Classifying Mild Cognitive Impairment from Behavioral Responses in Emotional Arousal and Valence Evaluation Task - AI Approach for Early Dementia Biomarker in Aging Societies -,"
42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC),
2020, 5537-5543, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
30. C.T. Ishi, R. Mikata, H. Ishiguro,
"Person-directed pointing gestures and inter-personal relationship: Expression of politeness to friendliness by android robots,"
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,
5(4), 6081-6088, 2020/7, (A01-i公募班)
31. 中山絵美子, 高橋聡明, 北村言, 野口博史, 仲上豪二朗, 桑田美代子, 四垂美保, 真田弘美,
7, 116-129, 2020/7, (A01-b公募班)
32. 新保史生,
2020(7), 36-41, 2020/8, (A04計画班)
33. 開一夫,
113, 28-31, 2020/8, (A01-c公募班)
34. Alimardani, M., Kemmeren, L., Okumura, K., Hiraki, K.,
"Robot-Assisted Mindfulness Practice: Analysis of Neurophysiological Responses and Affective State Change.,"
Human-Computer Interaction,
-, -, 2020/8, (A01-c公募班)
35. 新保史生,
62(秋), 23-23, 2020/8, (A04計画班)
36. 新保史生,
朝刊, 13-13, 2020/8, (A04計画班)
37. 窪田 智徳, 磯和 隆道, 小川 浩平, 石黒 浩,
22, 275--290, 2020/8, (A03計画班)
38. C. Fu, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi, H. Ishiguro,
"Multi-modality Emotion Recognition Model with GAT-based Multi-head Inter-modality Attention,"
20(17), 4894:1-15, 2020/8, (A01-i公募班)
39. Yuiko Koyano, Hiroshi Noguchi, Hiromi Sanada,
"Can the use of a human-shaped communication robot enhance motivation for inpatient rehabilitation?,"
Journal of Nursing Science and Engineering,
7, 170-176, 2020/8, (A01-b公募班)
40. 井上昂治, 原康平, ララディベッシュ, 山本賢太, 中村静, 高梨克也, 河原達也,
"掘り下げ質問を行う就職面接対話システムの 自律型アンドロイドでの実装と評価,"
35(5), D-K43_1-10, 2020/9, (A01計画班)
41. Fumio Shimpo,
"Legal Accountability Issues Related to the Utilisation of Life-Logs,"
WMSCI 2020 - 24th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, Proceedings,
3, 30-36, 2020/9, (A04計画班)
42. 開一夫,
114, 28-31, 2020/9, (A01-c公募班)
43. 熊﨑博一,
35, 1023-1027, 2020/9, (A01-h公募班)
44. The Tung Nguyen, Koichiro Yoshino, Sakriani Sakti and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Policy Reuse for Dialog Management Using Action-Relation Probability,"
IEEE Access,
8, 159639 - 159649, 2020/9, (A01-e公募班)
45. Mofei Li, Yutaka Nakamura & Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Choice modeling using dot-product attention mechanism,"
Artificial Life and Robotics,
26, 116--121, 2020/9, (A03計画班)
46. Barbot, B., Hiraki, K., et al.,
"Manifesto for New Directions in Developmental Science.,"
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development.,
-, 135-149, 2020/9, (A01-c公募班)
47. Federico Manzi , Giulia Peretti , Cinzia Di Dio , Angelo Cangelosi , Shoji Itakura , Takayuki Kanda, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Davide Massaro, Antonella Marchetti,
"A Robot Is Not Worth Another: Exploring Children's Mental State Attribution to Different Humanoid Robots,"
frontiers in Psychology,
11, 44208, 2020/9, (A03計画班)
48. Yusuke Nishimura, Yutaka Nakamura, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Human interaction behavior modeling using Generative Adversarial Networks,"
Neural Networks,
132, 521-531, 2020/9, (A03計画班)
49. Y. Wang, C. S. Leow, H. Nishizaki, A. Kobayashi, T. Utsuro,
"ExKaldi: A Python-Based Extension Tool of Kaldi,"
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 9th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics,
-, 470-473, 2020/10, (A02-k公募班)
50. C. S. Leow, T. Hayakawa, H. Nishizaki, N. Kitaoka,
"Development of a Low-Latency and Real-Time Automatic Speech Recognition System,"
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 10th Global Conference on Consumer Electronics,
-, 464-467, 2020/10, (A02-k公募班)
51. Takayuki Kato,
"Reflections on the GDPR Adequacy Assessment and Strategy of Japan: For the Enhancement of Transborder Data Flows,"
1 (3), 156-163, 2020/10, (A04-s公募班)
52. Xiang Li, Yasushi Makihara, Chi Xu, Yasushi Yagi, Mingwu Ren,
"Gait Recognition via Semi-supervised Disentangled Representation Learning to Identity and Covariate Features,"
Proc. the 33rd IEEE Conf. on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020),
13309-13319, 2020/10, (A02計画班)
53. M. Abdu-Aguye, W. Gomaa, Y. Makihara, Y. Yagi,
"Detecting Adversarial Attacks in Time-series Data,"
Proc. of the 45th Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2020),
2020/5/5, 3092-3096, 2020/10, (A02計画班)
54. 開一夫,
115, 28-31, 2020/10, (A01-c公募班)
55. Alimardani, M., Hiraki, K.,
"Passive Brain-Computer Interfaces for Enhanced Human-Robot Interaction. Frontiers in Robotics and AI-Computational Intelligence in Robotics.,"
Front. Robot. AI, 02 October 2020.,
7(125), 1-12, 2020/10, (A01-c公募班)
56. Tokunaga S., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Development of a Dialogue Robot Bono-06 for Cognitive Training of Older Adults,"
19(0), 1-1, 2020/10, (A01-g公募班)
57. Otake-Matsuura M., Tokunaga S.,
"Development of a group conversation support robot Bono-05 for cognitive health of older adults,"
19(0), 1-1, 2020/10, (A01-g公募班)
58. Irini Giannopulu, Aude Etournaud, Kazunori Terada, Mari Velonaki and Tomio Watanabe,
"Ordered interpersonal synchronization in ASD children via robots,"
Scientific Reports (Q1), a nature journal,
10 (17380), 1-10, 2020/10, (A01-f公募班)
59. 長島光一,
34(1), 191-246, 2020/10, (A04計画班)
60. K.Yamamoto, K.Inoue, and T.Kawahara,
"Semi-supervised learning for character expression of spoken dialogue systems,"
-, 4188-4192, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
61. K.Inoue, K.Hara, D.Lala, K.Yamamoto, S.Nakamura, K.Takanashi, and T.Kawahara,
"Job interviewer android with elaborate follow-up question generation,"
Proc. Int'l Conf. on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI),
-, 324-332, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
62. Shun Katada, Shogo Okada, Yuki Hirano, Kazunori Komatani,
"Is She Truly Enjoying the Conversation?: Analysis of Physiological Signals toward Adaptive Dialogue Systems,"
Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI),
315-323, 2020/10, (A02計画班)
63. 開一夫,
116, 28-31, 2020/11, (A01-c公募班)
64. Kumazaki H, Muramatsu T, Yoshikawa Y, Matsumoto Y, Ishiguro H, Kikuchi M, Sumiyoshi T, Mimura M.,
"Optimal robot for intervention for individuals with autism spectrum disorders.,"
Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience.,
74, 581-586, 2020/11, (A01-h公募班)
65. Sugimoto H., Kawagoe T., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Characteristics of resting-state functional connectivity in older adults after the PICMOR intervention program: a preliminary report,"
BMC Geriatrics,
20(1), 486, 2020/11, (A01-g公募班)
66. C. Xu, Y. Makihara, X. Li, Y. Yagi, J. Lu,
"Gait Recognition from a Single Image using a Phase-Aware Gait Cycle Reconstruction Network,"
Proc. of the 16th European Conf. on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020),
386-403, 2020/11, (A02計画班)
67. Jiro Shimaya, Yuichiro Yoshikawa,Kohei Ogawa,Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Robotic question support system to reduce hesitationfor face-to-face questions in lectures,"
Journal of Computer assisted Learning,
-, -, 2020/11, (A03計画班)
68. Kohei Uehara and Tatsuya Harada,
"Unsupervised Keyword Extraction for Full-sentence VQA,"
Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Natural Language Processing Beyond Text,
-, 51-59, 2020/11, (A02-j公募班)
69. Bowen Wu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Improving Conditional-GAN using Unrolled-GAN for the Generation of Co-speech Upper Body Gesture,"
人工知能学会研究会資料 SIG-Challenge-057-15,
-, 92-99, 2020/11, (A01-i公募班)
70. 新谷 太健, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒 浩,
人工知能学会研究会資料 SIG-Challenge-057-17,
-, 106-114, 2020/11, (A01-i公募班)
71. Jiahao Chen, Ryota Nishimura, Norihide Kitaoka,
"End-to-End Recognition of Streaming Japanese Speech Using CTC and Local Attention,"
APSIPA Transactions on Signal and Information Processing,
9(e25), 1-7, 2020/11, (A01-d公募班)
72. 島谷 二郎,Oskar Palinko,吉川 雄一郎,陣内 寛大,小川 浩平,石黒 浩,,
22, 369-380, 2020/11, (A03計画班)
73. 吉野 幸一郎, 池内 加奈, 須藤 克仁, 中村 哲,
"Wisdom of Crowdsを用いた音声言語理解の精度向上,"
2020-SLP-134, 1-6, 2020/11, (A01-e公募班)
74. Y. Sano, C. S. Leow, S. Iida, T. Utsuro, J. Hoshino, A. Kobayashi, H. Nishizaki,
"Spoken Dialog Training System for Customer Service Improvement,"
12th Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA 2020),
-, 403-408, 2020/12, (A02-k公募班)
75. 開一夫,
117, 28-31, 2020/12, (A01-c公募班)
76. 髙橋ともみ, 田中一晶, 小林賢一郎, 岡夏樹,
22(3), 305-316, 2020/12, (A03-o公募班)
77. J. Shi, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi, H. Ishiguro,
"3D Skeletal Movement Enhanced Emotion Recognition Network,"
Proc. of APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2020,
-, 1060-1066, 2020/12, (A01-i公募班)
78. C.A. Ajibo, C.T. Ishi, R. Mikata, C. Liu & H. Ishiguro,
"Analysis of body gestures in anger expression and evaluation in android robot,"
Advanced Robotics,
34(24), 1581-1590, 2020/12, (A01-i公募班)
79. Koichiro Yoshino, Kana Ikeuchi, Katsuhito Sudoh, Satoshi Nakamura,
"Improving Spoken Language Understanding by Wisdom of Crowds,"
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
-, 2606-2612, 2020/12, (A01-e公募班)
80. C. Fu, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi and H. Ishiguro,
"An End-to-End Multitask Learning Model to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition,"
Proc. of 28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020),
-, 1-5, 2020/12, (A01-i公募班)
81. 開一夫,
118, 28-31, 2021/1, (A01-c公募班)
82. A. Sakata, Y. Makihara, N. Takemura, D. Muramatsu, Y. Yagi,
"How Confident Are You in Your Estimate of a Human Age? Uncertainty-aware Gait-based Age Estimation by Label Distribution Learning,"
Proc. of the 4th Int. Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2020),
-, 1-10, 2021/1, (A02計画班)
83. C. Xu, D. Adachi, Y. Makihara, Y. Yagi, J. Lu,
"DeformGait: Gait Recognition under Posture Changes using Deformation Patterns between Gait Feature Pairs,"
Proc. of the 4th Int. Joint Conference on Biometrics (IJCB 2020),
-, 1-11, 2021/1, (A02計画班)
84. Takahisa Uchida, Takashi Minato, Yutaka Nakamura, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Female-Type Android's Drive to Quickly Understand a User's Concept of Preferences Stimulates Dialogue Satisfaction: Dialogue Strategies for Modeling User's Concept of Preferences,"
International Journal of Social Robotics,
-, -, 2021/1, (A02計画班)
85. Takahisa Uchida, Takashi Minato, Yutaka Nakamura, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Female-Type Android’s Drive to Quickly Understand a User’s Concept of Preferences Stimulates Dialogue Satisfaction: Dialogue Strategies for Modeling User’s Concept of Preferences,"
International Journal of Social Robotics,
-, -, 2021/1, (A03計画班)
86. Takahisa Uchida, Nicolas Lair, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Peter Ford Dominey,
"A Model of Online Temporal-Spatial Integration for Immediacy and Overrule in Discourse Comprehension,"
Neurobiology of Language,
2, 83-105, 2021/1, (A03計画班)
87. 石井亮, 大塚和弘, 熊野史朗, 東中竜一郎, 青野裕司,
62(1), 100-114, 2021/1, (A02計画班)
88. Ryo Ishii, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Koh Mitsuda, Taichi Katayama, Masahiro Mizukami, Junji Tomita, Hidetoshi Kawabata, Emi Yamaguchi, Noritake Adachi, Yushi Aono,
"Methods of Efficiently Constructing Text-dialogue-agent System using Existing Anime Character,"
Journal of Information Processing,
29, 30-44, 2021/1, (A02計画班)
89. 内田貴久,港隆史,石黒浩,
39, 34--38, 2021/1, (A03計画班)
90. B. Wu, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi, H. Ishiguro,
"Modeling the Conditional Distribution of Co-Speech Upper Body Gesture Jointly Using Conditional-GAN and Unrolled-GAN,"
MDPI Electronics,
10(228), 1月15日, 2021/1, (A01計画班)
91. B. Wu, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi, H. Ishiguro,
"Modeling the Conditional Distribution of Co-Speech Upper Body Gesture Jointly Using Conditional-GAN and Unrolled-GAN,"
10, 228:1-15, 2021/1, (A01-i公募班)
92. Kumazaki H, Muramatsu H, Yoshikawa Y, Haraguchi H, Sono T, Matsumoto Y, Ishiguro H, Kikuchi M, Sumiyoshi T, Mimura M.,
"Enhancing Communication Skills of Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders While Maintaining Social Distancing Using Two Tele-Operated Robots.,"
Frontiers in Psychiatry.,
11, -, 2021/1, (A01-h公募班)
93. Norihide Kitaoka; Bohan Chen; Yuya Obashi,
"Dynamic out-of-vocabulary word registration to language model for speech recognition,"
EURASIP Journal on Audio, Speech, and Music Processing,
2021:04:00, 1-8, 2021/1, (A01-d公募班)
94. 平野 裕貴,岡田 将吾,西本 遥人,駒谷 和範,
J104-A, 84-94, 2021/2, (A02計画班)
95. M.G. Abdu-Aguye, W. Gomaa, Y. Makihara, Y. Yagi,
"Adaptive Pooling Is All You Need: An Empirical Study on Hyperparameter-insensitive Human Action Recognition Using Wearable Sensors,"
Proc. of the 2020 Int. Joint. Conf. on Neural Network (IJCNN 2020),
-, 1-6, 2021/2, (A02計画班)
96. 李 ??, 石井 カルロス寿憲, 林 良子,
77(2), 112-119, 2021/2, (A01計画班, A01公募班)
97. 開一夫,
119, 28-31, 2021/2, (A01-c公募班)
98. Sakamoto, T., Sudo, A., & Takeuchi, Y.,
"Investigation of Model for Initial Phase of Communication: Analysis of Humans Interaction by Robot,"
ACM Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction (THRI),
10(2), 1-27, 2021/2, (A03-o公募班)
99. Abe M.S., Otake-Matsuura, M.,
"Scaling laws in natural conversations among elderly people,"
Plos One,
16(2), e0246884, 2021/2, (A01-g公募班)
100. Y. Zhang, Y. Makihara, D. Muramatsu, J. Zhang, L. Niu, L. Zhang, Y. Yagi,
"Learn to Walk Across Ages: Motion Augmented Multi-age Group Gait Video Translation,"
IEEE Access,
9, 40550 - 40559, 2021/2, (A02計画班)
101. X. Li, Y. Makihara, C. Xu, Y. Yagi, S. Yu, M. Ren,
"End-to-end Model-based Gait Recognition,"
Proc. of the 15th Asian Conf. on Computer Vision,
-, 3-20, 2021/2, (A02計画班)
102. 開一夫,
120, 28-31, 2021/3, (A01-c公募班)
103. Yoon, S., Alimardani, M., Hiraki, K.,
"The Effect of Robot-Guided Meditation on Intra-Brain EEG Phase Synchronization.,"
HRI ’21 Companion, March 8-11, 2021, Boulder, CO, USA,
-, 318-322, 2021/3, (A01-c公募班)
104. Takashi Kodama, Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Koh Mitsuda, Ryo Masumura, Yushi Aono, Ryuta Nakamura, Noritake Adachi, Hidetoshi Kawabata,
"Collection of Meta Information with User-Generated Question Answer Pairs and its Reflection for Improving Expressibility in Response Generation,"
Journal of Natural Language Processing,
28(1), 136-159, 2021/3, (A02計画班)
105. Toshiaki Nishio, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Kazuki Sakai, Takamasa Iio, Mariko Chiba, Taichi Asami, Yoshinori Isoda and Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"The Effects of Physically Embodied Multiple Conversation Robots on the Elderly,"
Frontiers in Robotics and AI,
-, -, 2021/3, (A03計画班)
106. T. Nishio, Y. Yoshikawa, K. Sakai, T. Iio, M. Chiba, T. Asami, Y. Isoda, H. Ishiguro,
"The Effects of Physically Embodied Multiple Conversation Robots on the Elderly,"
Frontiers in Robotics and AI,
8, 633045, 2021/3, (A01計画班)
107. 加藤隆之,
127巻7・8号, 187-222, 2021/3, (A04-s公募班)
108. 原田伸一朗,
26, 53-64, 2021/3, (A04計画班)
109. T. Nomura, M. Tanaka.,
"Experiences, Knowledge of Functions, and Social Acceptance of Robots: An Exploratory Case Study Focusing on Japan,"
AI & Society (2021),
-, -, 2021/3, (A04-t公募班)
110. 原田伸一朗,
16, 35-50, 2021/3, (A04計画班)
1. Y. Noguchi, F. Tanaka.,
"OMOY: A Handheld Robotic Gadget that Shifts its Weight to Express Emotions and Intentions.,"
2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems,
口頭, 2020/4, (A01-a公募班)
2. 新保史生,
口頭, 2020/5, (A04計画班)
3. Sara Asai, Koichiro Yoshino, Seitaro Shinagawa, Sakriani Sakti and Satoshi Nakamura,
"Emotional Speech Corpus for Persuasive Dialogue System,"
12th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC),
ポスター, 2020/5, (A01-e公募班)
4. 矢住和香, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2020/5, (A03-o公募班)
5. S.Nakamura, C.T.Ishi, and T.Kawahara,
"Analysis and modeling of between-sentence pauses in news speech by Japanese newscasters,"
Int'l Conf. Speech Prosody,
口頭, 2020/5, (A01計画班)
6. 浅井 沙良, 品川 政太朗, 吉野 幸一郎, サクティ サクリアニ, 中村 哲,
人工知能学会 第34回全国大会(2020),
ポスター, 2020/6, (A01-e公募班)
7. 野口 洋平,田中文英.,
口頭, 2020/6, (A01-a公募班)
8. 久良木 優太, 宮澤 和貴, 青木 達哉, 堀井 隆斗, 長井 隆行,
"Cross-modal BERT : Self-Attentionによるマルチモーダル情報表現の獲得と相互予測,"
口頭, 2020/6, (A02-l公募班)
9. T. Miyamoto, D. Katagami, M. Usami,
"A politeness control method for conversational agents considering social relationships with users,"
口頭, 2020/6, (A03-q公募班)
10. 水上雅博, 杉山弘晃, 成松宏美, 有本庸浩, 東中竜一郎,
ポスター, 2020/6, (A02計画班)
11. K.Inoue, D.Lala, K.Yamamoto, S.Nakamura, K.Takanashi, and T.Kawahara,
"An attentive listening system with android ERICA: Comparison of autonomous and WOZ interactions,"
SIGdial Meeting Discourse & Dialogue (SIGDIAL),
口頭, 2020/7, (A01計画班)
12. 原田伸一朗,
口頭, 2020/7, (A04計画班)
13. Matsunaka, R., Jouen, AL., & Hiraki, K.,
"Do infants learn foreign words from robot?: an ERP study.,"
The virtual International Congress of Infant Studies.,
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-c公募班)
14. 開一夫,
"EdTech with Cognitive Science: 未来の学び=AI×認知脳科×IoT?,"
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-c公募班)
15. Otake-Matsuura M. et al.,
"Services for Cognitive Health Co-created with Older Adults,"
22nd International Conference on Humn-Computer Interaction,
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
16. Rutkowski TM, Abe MS, Koculak M, Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Classifying Mild Cognitive Impairment from Behavioral Responses in Emotional Arousal and Valence Evaluation Task - AI Approach for Early Dementia Biomarker in Aging Societies -,"
42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC),
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
17. Nagashima, K., Morita, J. & Takeuchi, Y.,
"Modeling Intrinsic Motivation in ACT-R: Focusing on the Relation Between Pattern Matching and Intellectual Curiosity,"
The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, and the 18th Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Cognitive Modelling,
口頭, 2020/7, (A03-o公募班)
18. Tokunaga S., Tamura K., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Performance Evaluation of Text-Oriented Artificial Chat Operation System (TACOS),"
22nd International Conference on Humn-Computer Interaction,
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
19. Miyake N., Kumagai K., Tokunaga S., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Towards Practical Use of Bedside Sensing/Voice-Calling System for Preventing Falls,"
22nd International Conference on Humn-Computer Interaction,
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-g公募班)
20. 石黒浩, 新保史生,
口頭, 2020/7, (A04計画班)
21. Suzuki, K., Yazawa, S., Matsunaka, R., Iwasawa, T., & Hiraki., K.,
14th International Conference on Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction.,
口頭, 2020/7, (A01-c公募班)
22. 石黒浩、新保史生、田中絵麻、藍沢志津、木賊智昭,
世界で進展する超スマート化・日本はどうする? -国家AI戦略の世界動向と人とAIの共生の可能性,
口頭, 2020/8, (A04計画班)
23. 熊﨑博一,
口頭, 2020/9, (A01-h公募班)
24. T. Nomura, S. Horii,
"Influences of Media Literacy and Experiences of Robots into Negative Attitudes Toward Robots in Japan,"
29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication,
口頭, 2020/9, (A04-t公募班)
25. S. Mitsuno, Y. Yoshikawa, and H. Ishiguro,
"Robot-on-Robot Gossiping to Improve Sense of Human-Robot Conversation,"
IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN),
ポスター, 2020/9, (A01計画班)
26. S. Ikari, Y. Yoshikawa, and H. Ishiguro,
"Multiple-Robot Mediated Discussion System to support group discussion,"
IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN),
口頭, 2020/9, (A01計画班)
27. Seiya Mitsuno, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, and Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Robot-on-Robot Gossiping to Improve Sense of Human-Robot Conversation,"
29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication,
ポスター, 2020/9, (A03計画班)
28. Takahisa Uchida, Hiroshi Ishiguro, Peter Ford Dominey,
"Improving Quality of Life with a Narrative Robot Companion: II - Creating Group Cohesion via Shared Narrative Experience,"
The 29th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication,
ポスター, 2020/9, (A03計画班)
29. 井上昂治, Lala Divesh, 山本賢太, 中村静, 高梨克也, 河原達也,
口頭, 2020/9, (A01計画班)
30. レオ チーシャン,早川友瑛,西崎博光,北岡教英,
日本音響学会 2020年秋季研究発表会講演論文集,
ポスター, 2020/9, (A02-k公募班)
31. Fumio Shimpo,
"Legal Accountability Issues Related to the Utilisation of Life-Logs,"
The 24th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2020C,
口頭, 2020/9, (A04計画班)
32. 高田亮介, 竹内勇剛,
ポスター, 2020/9, (A03-o公募班)
33. 長島一真, 森田純哉, 竹内勇剛,
ポスター, 2020/9, (A03-o公募班)
34. 野村竜也, 堀井駿,
ポスター, 2020/9, (A04-t公募班)
35. K.Yamamoto, K.Inoue, S.Nakamura, K.Takanashi, and T.Kawahara,
"A character expression model affecting spoken dialogue behaviors,"
Int'l Workshop Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS),
口頭, 2020/9, (A01計画班)
36. S.Isonishi, K.Inoue, D.Lala, K.Takanashi, and T.Kawahara,
"Response generation to out-of-database questions for example-based dialogue systems,"
Int'l Workshop Spoken Dialogue Systems (IWSDS),
口頭, 2020/9, (A01計画班)
37. Ryuichiro Higashinaka, Yuiko Tsunomori, Tetsuro Takahashi, Hiroshi Tsukahara, Masahiro Araki, Joao Sedoc, Rafael E. Banchs, Luis F. D’Haro,
"Overview of Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge 5,"
WOCHAT + DBDC5: Workshop on Chatbots and Conversational Agents and Dialogue Breakdown Detection Challenge,
口頭, 2020/9, (A02計画班)
38. 石黒浩, 新保史生, 原田伸一朗,
口頭, 2020/9, (A04計画班)
39. 大武美保子,
口頭, 2020/9, (A01-g公募班)
40. C.T. Ishi, R. Mikata, H. Ishiguro,
"Person-directed pointing gestures and inter-personal relationship: Expression of politeness to friendliness by android robots,"
International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2020),
口頭, 2020/10, (A01-i公募班)
41. C. Fu, J. Shi, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi, H. Ishiguro,
"AAEC: An Adversarial Autoencoder-based Classifier for Audio Emotion Recognition,"
MuSe 2020-The Multimodal Sentiment in Real-life Media Challenge (Conference: ACM Multimedia Conference 2020),
口頭, 2020/10, (A01-i公募班)
42. 石川大貴, 熊﨑博一,吉川雄一郎, 松本吉央, 宮尾益知.,
口頭, 2020/10, (A01-h公募班)
43. Shogo Ikari, Yuichiro Yoshikawa, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Multiple-Robot Mediated Discussion System to support group discussion,"
2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN),
口頭, 2020/10, (A03計画班)
44. Otake-Matsuura M., Tokunaga S.,
"Development of a group conversation support robot Bono-05 for cognitive health of older adults,"
ISG’s 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology,
ポスター, 2020/10, (A01-g公募班)
45. Y. Makihara,
"Video-based Gait Analysis and Its Applications,"
The 3rd Int. Conf. on Multimedia Analysis and Pattern Recognition,
口頭, 2020/10, (A02計画班)
46. Tokunaga S., Otake-Matsuura M.,
"Development of a Dialogue Robot Bono-06 for Cognitive Training of Older Adults,"
ISG’s 12th World Conference of Gerontechnology,
口頭, 2020/10, (A01-g公募班)
47. 宮澤 和貴, 青木 達哉, 堀井 隆斗, 長井 隆行,
口頭, 2020/10, (A02-l公募班)
48. 小山虎, 笠木雅史,
口頭, 2020/10, (A04-r公募班)
49. 酒井和紀,中村泰,吉川雄一郎,石黒浩,
口頭, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
50. 酒井和紀,中村泰,吉川雄一郎,石黒浩,
口頭, 2020/10, (A03計画班)
51. 熊谷 和実, 徳永 清輝, 三宅 徳久, 田村 和弘, 水内 郁夫, 大武 美保子,
第38回 日本ロボット学会学術講演会,
口頭, 2020/10, (A01-g公募班)
52. 徳永清輝, 中村匡秀, 大武美保子,
第38回 日本ロボット学会学術講演会,
口頭, 2020/10, (A01-g公募班)
53. 矢住和香, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2020/10, (A03-o公募班)
54. 山本真弘, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2020/10, (A03-o公募班)
55. 高田亮介, 坂本孝丈, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2020/10, (A03-o公募班)
56. 新保史生,佐脇紀代志,宍戸常寿,大門学,片山建,鈴木俊哉,坂下哲也,
CEATEC 2020,
口頭, 2020/10, (A04計画班)
57. Peter Ford Dominey, Takahisa Uchida, Nicolas Lair, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"A model of on-line temporal-spatial integration for immediacy and overrule in discourse comprehension,"
Society for the Neurobiology of Language (SNL2020),
ポスター, 2020/10, (A03計画班)
58. 新保 史生,石黒 浩,河原 達也,東中 竜一郎,杉山 弘晃,野村 竜也,長島 光一,
口頭, 2020/10, (A04計画班)
59. T. Kawahara,
"Spoken Dialogue for Social Robot,"
口頭, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
60. J. Nakanishi, J. Baba, I. Kuramoto, K. Ogawa, Y. Yoshikawa, and H. Ishiguro,
"Smart Speaker vs. Social Robot in a Case of Hotel Room,"
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS),
口頭, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
61. K.Inoue, K.Hara, D.Lala, K.Yamamoto, S.Nakamura, K.Takanashi, and T.Kawahara,
"Job interviewer android with elaborate follow-up question generation,"
Int'l Conf. on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI),
口頭, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
62. D.Lala, K.Inoue, and T.Kawahara,
"Prediction of shared laughter for human-robot dialogue,"
Int'l Conf. on Multimodal Interaction (ICMI),
口頭, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
63. K.Yamamoto, K.Inoue, and T.Kawahara,
"Semi-supervised learning for character expression of spoken dialogue systems,"
口頭, 2020/10, (A01計画班)
64. Sakamoto, T., & Takeuchi, Y.,
"Classification and Prospects for HAI Research Based on a Tentative Framework,"
8th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction (HAI2020),
口頭, 2020/11, (A03-o公募班)
65. Ryuichiro Higashinaka,
"Integrating understanding and generation modules for adaptive dialogue systems,"
The 3rd International Symposium on Symbiotic Intelligent Systems,
口頭, 2020/11, (A02計画班)
66. Takahisa Uchida, Takashi Minato, and Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Autonomous robots for daily dialogue based on preference and experience models,"
The 3rd International Symposium on Symbiotic Intelligent Systems,
口頭, 2020/11, (A03計画班)
67. Fumio Shimpo,
"The Principal Japanese AI and Robot Strategy - Significance and Legal Implications,"
The 3rd International Symposium on Symbiotic Intelligent Systems: “A New Era towards Responsible Robotics and Innovation”,
口頭, 2020/11, (A04計画班)
68. Bowen Wu, Chaoran Liu, Carlos Ishi, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Improving Conditional-GAN using Unrolled-GAN for the Generation of Co-speech Upper Body Gesture,"
第57回人工知能学会 AI チャレンジ研究会,
口頭, 2020/11, (A01-i公募班)
69. 新谷 太健, 石井カルロス寿憲、石黒浩,
第57回人工知能学会 AI チャレンジ研究会,
口頭, 2020/11, (A03計画班)
70. 新谷 太健, 石井カルロス寿憲, 石黒 浩,
第57回人工知能学会 AI チャレンジ研究会,
口頭, 2020/11, (A01-i公募班)
71. 新保史生,石黒浩,加藤隆之,原田伸一朗,長島 光一,
口頭, 2020/11, (A04計画班)
72. 原田伸一朗,
口頭, 2020/11, (A04計画班)
73. 長島光一,
口頭, 2020/11, (A04計画班)
74. 新保史生, 石黒浩, 加藤隆之, 原田伸一朗, 長島光一,
口頭, 2020/11, (A04-s公募班)
75. 井上昂治, Lala Divesh, 山本賢太, 中村静, 高梨克也, 河原達也,
人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会,
口頭, 2020/11, (A01計画班)
76. 東中竜一郎, 船越孝太郎, 高橋 哲朗, 稲葉通将,角森 唯子, 赤間怜奈, 宇佐美まゆみ, 川端良子, 水上雅博, 小室允人, ドルサテヨルス,
口頭, 2020/11, (A02計画班)
77. 徳永清輝, 田村 和弘, 大武美保子,
人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会(SLUD)第90回研究会,
口頭, 2020/11, (A01-g公募班)
78. 田中滉己, 井上昂治, 中村静, 高梨克也, 河原達也,
人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会,
口頭, 2020/12, (A01計画班)
79. 山本賢太, 井上昂治, 河原達也,
人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会,
口頭, 2020/12, (A01計画班)
80. 駒谷 和範, 岡田 将吾, 堅田 俊,
口頭, 2020/12, (A02計画班)
81. 高橋正樹,稲葉通将,
ポスター, 2020/12, (A02計画班)
82. 杉山弘晃, 成松宏美, 水上雅博, 有本庸浩, 千葉祐弥, 目黒豊美, 中嶋秀治,
"Transformer encoder-decoder モデルによる趣味雑談システムの構築,"
人工知能学会 言語・音声理解と対話処理研究会(SLUD)第90回研究会,
口頭, 2020/12, (A03計画班)
83. J. Shi, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi, H. Ishiguro,
"3D Skeletal Movement Enhanced Emotion Recognition Network,"
Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (Annual Summit and Conference 2020),
口頭, 2020/12, (A01-i公募班)
84. 吉野 幸一郎, 池内 加奈, 須藤 克仁, 中村 哲,
"Wisdom of Crowdsを用いた音声言語理解の精度向上,"
口頭, 2020/12, (A01-e公募班)
85. 原田伸一朗,
口頭, 2020/12, (A04計画班)
86. Koichiro Yoshino, Kana Ikeuchi, Katsuhito Sudoh, Satoshi Nakamura,
"Improving Spoken Language Understanding by Wisdom of Crowds,"
28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics,
ポスター, 2020/12, (A01-e公募班)
87. 呉羽真,
"日本人とロボット――テクノアニミズム論の疑わしさと危うさ ,"
口頭, 2020/12, (A04計画班)
88. 長島光一,
口頭, 2020/12, (A04計画班)
89. 坂田智章,綿貫啓一,楓和憲,渡辺富夫,
口頭, 2020/12, (A01-f公募班)
90. Hiromi Narimatsu, Hiroaki Sugiyama, Masahiro Mizukami and Tsunehiro Arimoto,
"Rationale for Using Chat-Oriented Dialogue System’s Experience to Convey Empathy,"
The Sixth Linguistic and Cognitive Approaches to Dialog Agents,
口頭, 2021/1, (A03計画班)
91. D.Lala, K.Inoue, K.Yamamoto, and T.Kawahara,
"Findings from human-android dialogue research with ERICA,"
IJCAI-2020 workshop on ROBOT-DIAL,
口頭, 2021/1, (A01計画班)
92. 長島一真, 森田純哉, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2021/1, (A03-o公募班)
93. 西尾瞳希,飯田宗一郎 ,佐野祐太,Leow Chee Siang,西崎博光, 宇津呂武仁,星野准一,
"話し方のトレーニングが可能な接客訓練 VR システム,"
口頭, 2021/1, (A02-k公募班)
94. Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Studies on avatars and our future society,"
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence-Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence,
口頭, 2021/1, (A03計画班)
95. C. Fu, C. Liu, C.T. Ishi and H. Ishiguro,
"An End-to-End Multitask Learning Model to Improve Speech Emotion Recognition,"
28th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2020),
口頭, 2021/1, (A01-i公募班)
96. 髙城 頌太, 中村 泰, 西村 優佑, 石黒 浩,
電子情報通信学会 ヒューマンコミュニケーション基礎研究会,
口頭, 2021/1, (A03計画班)
97. 吉野 幸一郎,
日本ロボット学会RSJセミナー第132回 視覚と言葉を通じたロボットとの共同作業を目指して,
口頭, 2021/2, (A01-e公募班)
98. 河原達也,
"ERATO石黒共生HRIから新学術領域研究「知能対話学」及び ムーンショット「アバター共生社会」に展開する音声対話研究,"
情報処理学会 音声言語情報処理研究会,
口頭, 2021/2, (A01計画班)
99. 東中竜一郎,
口頭, 2021/2, (A02計画班)
100. 東中竜一郎,
口頭, 2021/2, (A02計画班)
101. D2 大平義輝: 内田貴久, 港隆史,石黒浩,
2021年度 人工知能学会全国大会 (第35回),
口頭, 2021/03, (A03計画班)
102. 大武美保子,
情報処理学会 第247回自然言語処理研究会,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-g公募班)
103. Elie Maalouly, Shuichi Nishio, Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Response Probability Distribution Acquisition for Autonomous Dialogue Generation,"
IEEE/ISR International Conference On Intelligence And Safety For Robotics,
口頭, 2021/3, (A03計画班)
104. 開 一夫,
"AIで「学び」「教え」を変えられるか!? -課題と挑戦-,"
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-c公募班)
105. Tetsuya Matsui, Iori Tani, Kazuto Sasai, Yukio-Pegio Gunji,
"Dialogue Breakdown and Confusion between Elements and Category,"
ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction2021,
ポスター, 2021/3, (A03-p公募班)
106. 山本真弘, 竹内勇剛,
ポスター, 2021/3, (A03-o公募班)
107. 片上大輔,山本隆太郎,宮本友樹,宇佐美まゆみ,
"対話型擬人化エージェントの言語的配慮に対する受容性の異文化比較に関する研究 -クラウドソーシングによる大規模印象調査-,"
ポスター, 2021/3, (A03-q公募班)
108. 野村竜也, 鈴木公啓,
口頭, 2021/3, (A04-t公募班)
109. 井上昂治, Lala Divesh, 河原達也,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01計画班)
110. 井上昂治, Lala Divesh, 河原達也,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01計画班)
111. Hiroshi Ishiguro,
"Constructive Approach for Interactive Robots and the Fundamental Issues,"
HRI: ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction,
口頭, 2021/3, (A03計画班)
112. 渡辺富夫,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-f公募班)
113. 北岡 教英,西村 良太,太田 健吾,石川 晃之,石川 友香(TELYUKA),中野 涼太,田中 五大,鍋倉彩那,佐藤 辰耶,渡邊 凌太,大須賀 晋,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-d公募班)
114. 坂本孝丈, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2021/3, (A03-o公募班)
115. 高田亮介, 坂本孝丈, 竹内勇剛,
口頭, 2021/3, (A03-o公募班)
116. 太田 健吾,西村 良太,北岡 教英,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-d公募班)
117. 開一夫,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-c公募班)
118. 加藤隆之,
口頭, 2021/3, (A04-s公募班)
119. 吉田奈央, 宮尾祐介,
口頭, 2021/3, (A02計画班)
120. 光田航, 東中竜一郎, 大賀悠平, 杵渕哲也,
口頭, 2021/3, (A02計画班)
121. 黒田 佑樹, 武田 龍, 駒谷 和範,
口頭, 2021/3, (A02計画班)
122. 坂本寛弥, 山本賢太, Lala Divesh, 井上昂治, 河原達也,
情報処理学会 第83回全国大会,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01計画班)
123. 長尾佳寿美, 東中竜一郎, 安宅和人,
口頭, 2021/3, (A02計画班)
124. 莊司健太, 長尾佳寿美, 東中竜一郎, 安宅和人,
口頭, 2021/3, (A02計画班)
125. 呉羽真,
口頭, 2021/3, (A04計画班)
126. Hiraki, K., Hashida, K., Kawamoto, M., Sashima, A., Kamo, T.,
"Exploring Pedagogical Technology based on Cognitive Science.,"
CREST “Symbiotic Interaction” 7th Research Area Meeting,
口頭, 2021/3, (A01-c公募班)
127. 原田伸一朗,
口頭, 2021/3, (A04計画班)
1. [図書],
"人工知能 チューリング/ブルックス/ヒントン〈〈名著精選〉 心の謎から心の科学へ〉,"
岩波書店(東京), (2020/4), (A01-c公募班)
2. [図書],
"テレビえほん みんなでシナぷしゅ,"
世界文化社(東京), (2020/7), (A01-c公募班)
3. [図書],
小暮 純生、大武美保子(出川 通、他92名著),
"テクノロジー・ロードマップ2021-2030 全産業編,"
日経BP, (2020/11), (A01-g公募班)
4. [図書],
KADOKAWA, (2021/2), (A02計画班)