


ゲストスピーカー:鈴木 一人(東京大学公共政策大学院/教授)
題目: 「EUにおける新興技術の輸出規制とその戦略」



 これらの問題や矛盾を抱えつつも、EU域内では新興技術の管理の重要性への認識が高まっている。2016年には輸出管理政策の見直しが行われ、特にサイバー監視技術に対する問題を頂点に、新興技術の輸出管理を強化することが検討された。それを受けて、2021年5月に輸出管理規制(Council Regulation (EC) No 428/2009, as amended)が採択された。ここで重視されたのは、人権抑圧や人道に反する行為に対する貢献する技術の管理であり、伝統的な安全保障を目的とした輸出規制の強化ではない、という点が重要となる。

 それゆえ、ここで問題とされるものの中心にはサイバー監視技術があり、それに関連する形で通信、情報収集、情報分析に関連する技術の規制が強化された。ただし、EUで共通のリストを作成するのではなく、リスト化されていない技術であっても「公共安全(public safety)や人道的懸念(humanitarian concerns)」にかかわる技術を各国の輸出管理当局が規制するとなっている。加盟国間で判断が異なる場合でも「妥当な配慮(due consideration)」が払われなければならない。EUは米国と異なり、様々な摩擦と矛盾を内包するため、輸出規制の「正統性」が重視される。ゆえに地政学的な判断よりも公共安全や人道的懸念が重視される結果となっている。
ゲストスピーカー:Peter Ford Dominey(CNRS/Research Director)
題目: "Narrative Event Segmentation in the Cortical Reservoir"
When we watch movies or listen to stories, our brains are led through a trajectory of activation whose structure reflects that of the event structure of the story. This takes place at multiple timescales across the brain, likely corresponding to different timescales of event representation. While this has been well described in human fMRI, the underlying computations that lead to these activation trajectories has not yet been fully characterized. The current research develops and explores a recurrent network “reservoir” model of cortical computation, whose natural internal dynamics help to provide an explanation of the trajectory of brain states that are observed in different cortical areas in humans. The model is exposed to narratives in the form of word embeddings for words in the narrative transcript. Neural activation in the model reveals event structure at multiple levels of temporal structure. This begins to provide insight into the computations underlying the event structure observed in the human brain during narrative processing.
ゲストスピーカー:Gabriel Skantze(KTH Royal Institute of Technology/Professor)
題目: "Furhat - a social robot for studying face-to-face interaction"
The last decade has seen a breakthrough for conversational systems, much thanks to the advancements in speech recognition. Apart from voice assistants in smart speakers and phones, an emerging application area are social robots, which are expected to serve as receptionists, teachers, companions, coworkers, etc. Just like we prefer physical meetings over phone calls and video conferencing, social robots can potentially offer a much richer interaction experience than non-embodied conversational systems. One example of this is the Furhat robot head, which started as a research project at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, but is now a widely adopted platform for doing research on human-robot interaction. Thanks to its back-projected facial animation, Furhat is unique in its expressivity. It also has an advanced conversational AI platform for building human-robot interactions, and it has been used for many types of applications, including serving as a concierge at airports and performing job interviews.

In this talk, I will give an overview of Furhat and discuss why the face is important for interaction. I will give examples of different use cases and the research we have done at KTH using Furhat. One example of this is the modelling of turn-taking in conversation. As current systems lack the sophisticated coordination mechanisms found in human-human interaction, they are often plagued by interruptions or sluggish responses. In a face-to-face conversation, we use various multi-modal signals for this coordination, including linguistic and prosodic cues, as well as gaze and gestures. I will present user studies which show how the robot can regulate turn-taking in multi-party dialogue by employing various turn-taking signals. This can be used to both facilitate a smoother interaction, as well as shaping the turn-taking dynamics and participation equality in multi-party settings.


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領域ホームページ: http://www.commu-ai.org