
A03 Behavioral decision model estimation research group

Behavioral decision model for dialogue systems aiming at human-machine co-existence

Principal Investigator
Hiroaki SUGIYAMA (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Research Scientist)
Special field : Dialogue system
Role : Management of the group's research
Hiroshi ISHIGURO (Osaka University, Professor)
Special field : Intelligent robotics
Role : Construction of social relation models
Yutaka NAKAMURA (Osaka University, Specially Appointed Associate Professor)
Special field : Machine learning
Role : Estimation of behavioral decision models
Maeda EISAKU (Tokyo Denki University, Professor)
Special field : Cognitive model
Role : Estimation of behavioral decision models
Research Collaborator
Hiromi NARIMATSU (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Research Scientist)
Special field : Natural language processing
Role : Construction of system's behavioral decision models
Masahiro MIZUKAMI (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Researcher)
Special field : Dialogue system
Role : Construction of system's behavioral decision models
Tsunehiro ARIMOTO (NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Researcher)
Special field : Dialogue system
Role : Estimation of behavioral decision models

The Behavioral Decision Model Estimation Research Group will conduct research on the construction and estimation of behavioral decision models that determine behaviors based on a robot's own experience and value judgment criteria. In order for a communicative robot to be accepted by society and coexist with people, the robot has to build a rapport with people belonging to that society. To develop such rapport, robots are required to behave consistently with their own intentions and purposes. This research group will achieve consistent behavior generation, using longitudinal data of daily behaviors and large-scale text data as the experience of the robot.

However, such rapport cannot be developed solely by persisting with the claims of the robot itself. For this reason, our research group tries to achieve the functions to estimate people’s behavioral decision models, with which the robot reconciles its own value judgments that affect its behaviors. These studies enable for robots to build rapport with people (the real purpose of communication), which leads to the realization of a society in which the robots establish symbiotic relationship with people.